Monday, January 17, 2011

Political Punk Rock

Is it possible to find punk rock music that does not focus on politics? That would be very difficult. Punk music has been around for a very long time and has always contained political themes in its music. Crass was formed in the mid seventies and they definitely paved the way for bands who make comments about the government and the current state of society.

Although punk music has produced some very talented musicians, it is not really known for having the most complicated song structures. Punk songs are usually very short and easy to play. It seems like musicians who start punk bands are huge activists with a message they want to spread, and punk music seems to be the vehicle to make that happen. Punk music is a community where people are not worried about pissing people off. It has a long history of allowing people to speak their minds and it makes sure everyone does not conform to what the majority enforces.

Jello Biafra is a major name in the punk music scene and he has been involved in politics for over thirty years. As the singer of the Dead Kennedys, he wrote all of their music which is full of political themes on every album. In 1979 he ran for mayor of San Francisco and as part of the Green Party he ran for their presidential nomination in 2000. He currently records spoken word albums and tours the United States speaking about current issues.

While Jello is probably the most active punk rock political figure, there are many punk rock bands who give back to the community with more than just their music. The record label Sub City Records is a punk label that has donated millions of dollars to nonprofit organizations. I feel confident saying you cannot have punk rock without politics. Here is a list of political punk bands.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, I never knew a majority of punk rock was politically themed. I love all types of music and usually listen to punk rock for its fast beats, usually when I work out. I do have to agree with your comment: “Punk music is a community where people are not worried about pissing people off,” since that’s the stereotype I give punk rock. Sad to say, I do not know any of those singers you are referring to, probably because I’ve only heard the more mainstream artists who you probably hate. I’ll probably give some of those artists that you mention a listen sometime in the future.
